Now Accepting Nominations

Now Accepting Nominations

The WSAVT elections are right around the corner. We are now accepting nominations for the following board positions. If you are interested in applying or would like to nominate someone please click the link below. Nominations must be made by March 1st. 


President-Elect (1-2 hours per week) If you are looking to get involved with the state and have some experience with how a board works, the President-Elect would be a great position for you. This position is a 3-year commitment as you will move into the Presidency and then Past-President in the following years. The President-Elect works closely with the President to help them prepare for the upcoming year. Certain job tasks for the President-Elect include NAVTA Representative, overseeing committees with the Vice President, attending meetings, assisting in strategic planning, and other items assigned by the Executive Board. As the NAVTA representative, you are the liaison between the WSAVT and NAVTA. You will take over as the NAVTA representative halfway through your year as President-Elect, so you have time to learn your position.

Vice President (1-2 hours per week) The Vice-President is responsible for serving as an unofficial, non-voting member of all Standing Committees. The Vice-President shall abstain from voting on matters before the Board except in the event of a tie vote. Assume the duties of the President, in the event that the Past President and president-elect are unable to perform their official duties. Select assistants as necessary for the efficient completion of duties. Write a mid-year and end-of-the-year report for the membership. Attend all meetings called by the association. Participate in the strategic plan of the association. Assume other duties as assigned by the Executive Board. Standing Committee Chairpersons will notify the Vice-President of all Committee meetings in advance.

Secretary (2-3 hours per week) The secretary is responsible for recording and keeping all meeting minutes. Conduct the general correspondence of the Association and the Executive Board. Preserve all papers, letters, and transactions of the association for two years. Maintain a copy of each newsletter for permanent records. Keep election records for one year.

Treasurer (3-5 hours per week) The treasurer receives and has charge of all funds of the Association, deposits such funds, and provides for the expenditure of such funds as directed by the Finance Committee. Make a full report to the Association twice a year. Keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. Submit all books of accounts to an outside accountant for review as specified by the Executive Board. Serve as a member of the Finance Committee. Maintain responsibility for and obtain receipts for all physical property of the Association. Secure fidelity bond for the Association. Submit State and Federal Internal Revenue forms as required.

Program Chair (3-5 hours per week)The program chair oversees the program committee members and the volunteers who assist the program committee. The goal of the program committee is to provide quality continuing education programs to the technicians in the State of Washington including the technician program at the Pacific Northwest Veterinary Conference. In addition, the program chair is responsible for sitting on the program committee of the Washington State Veterinary Medical Association. The program chair works within the continuing education budget guidelines to secure speakers, venue, and food contracts.

By-Laws Chair (0-1 hours per week) The Bylaw Committee Chair is responsible to develop a committee and provide leadership to that committee. This committee’s responsibilities include receiving all proposed amendments to the Bylaws of the Association, being responsible for securing an opinion from the members of the Association in regard to the proposed amendments, submitting proposed amendments to the Executive Board to be placed before members for a vote and review the current bylaws and propose changes as needed. As the chair, you will need to write a mid-year and end-of-the-year report for the membership, attend all meetings called by the association, participate in the strategic plan of the association, and assume other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

Nominations Chair (0-1 hour per week)The Nominations Committee Chair is responsible to develop a committee (with the help of the board) and provide leadership to that committee. As a committee, you will actively solicit names of individuals qualified and willing to serve as Officers and Executive Board members, prepare ballots for the annual election of Officers and Executive Board members, prepare election information for the newsletter, and complete the elections. As the chair, you will need to write a mid-year and end-of-the-year report for the membership, attend all meetings called by the association, participate in the strategic plan of the association, and assume other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

Finance Chair (1-3 hours per week)The finance chair is responsible for the preparation of the annual budget, for a fiscal year commencing on July 1st and ending June 30th, to be approved by a consensus of the Executive Board members. Assume final responsibility for all decisions as to the expenditure of the association funds in accordance with the annual budget. Develop along with the Executive Board, plans to provide for continued fiscal growth of the Association. Keep the Executive Board informed of the Association’s financial status. Present any requests for special, non-budgeted expenditures to the Executive Board for approval. Write a mid-year and end-of-the-year report for the membership. Attend all meetings called by the association.

Membership Chair (2-3 hours per week) If you are organized and like paying attention to details the membership chair may be the position for you. The Membership Chair is responsible for receiving and processing membership applications. The Membership Chair is the first person our new members come in contact with. They are responsible for answering questions, sending a welcome message, and reminding members of renewal dates.

State Program Committee Member: (2-3 hours per month) A state program committee member assists in the planning and execution of WSAVT CE events. The goal of the program committee is to provide quality continuing education programs to licensed veterinary technicians in the State of Washington including the technician program at the Pacific Northwest Veterinary Conference. A program committee member is expected to attend program committee meetings and accept volunteer assignments for two or more CE events per year.

Communication Committee Member and Chair:  (2-3 hours per week)The WSAVT is looking for a chair and members of the Ad-hoc Communication Committee. The purpose of this role is to provide and maintain WSAVT’s internal and external communications, including the Newsletter, Website, and Social Media. This committee is a new committee and has a lot of opportunities to grow with the right group of people. If you are a creative person this position is great for you.

Government Affairs Liaison: (1-3 hours per week)You would attend the Veterinary Board of Governors meetings and report to the board and membership what is happening there.

Published 02/14/2022.