OSHA & Controlled Drugs
December 6, 2019 Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The WSAVT and the WSVMA have joined together to offer this high-quality CE opportunity for DVMs, LVTs and the entire staff.
Join the WSAVT & WSVMA for a two-day lecture series on Controlled Drugs & Pharmacy Operations Topics and OSHA Compliance & Practice Safety Topics
- When: December 6th (OSHA) and December 7th (Controlled Drugs)
- Registration: Starts at 8:00 am each day.
- Where: Renton Technical College 3000 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA 98056
- Member Fees: $150.00 for 1 day or $200 for both days.
- Non- Member Fees: $210.00 for 1 day or $270 for both days.
Friday, December 6th OSHA Topics include:
9:00 am -10:20 am: In The Beginning: Getting your Safety & OSHA Compliance program started: Paperwork starts everything. We'll discuss exactly which forms, posters, written plans or documents are required by OSHA.
10:30 am – 11:50 pm Following the Rules: Staff Safety Training & PPE: No matter how good your written program maybe, if the staff does not follow the rules or simply isn't informed, you will not be successful. In this session, we'll discuss ways to design and implement an effective training program that doesn't take a lot of time to replicate each time you have a new staff member. We'll also discuss OSHA's Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Standard, how to know what PPE is needed and how to get employees to wear the stuff!
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm – 2:20 pm OH NO! Surviving an OSHA Inspection: “What to do if OSHA decides to inspect your practice!” We'll talk about ways to minimize your risk of an inspection, as well as the EMPLOYER'S rights during an inspection. We'll also reveal some very creative "scams" that people have used to get your money under the guise of an OSHA inspection.
2:30 pm -4:50 pm That’s Nasty! – Facility Safety Issues: In this session, we’ll discuss the general hazards of the practice by discussing appropriate food and beverage activity in the hospital, housekeeping and sanitation, electricity and noise hazards; we reveal what OSHA has to say about these common issues and talk about ways to solve the problems.
Saturday, December 7th Controlled Drugs Topics include:
9:00 am -10:20 am - Controlling Controlled Drugs: Before the Drugs Arrive: The DEA requires a practitioner to registration in order to conduct controlled drug activity, but there are misconceptions regarding loopholes…we’ll explore those options. We’ll also discuss the security requirements in order to maintain controlled drugs in the practice and in ambulatory operations. We’ll finish up with a discussion of the proper ordering process and those actions are not allowed.
10:30 am – 11:50 pm - Controlling Controlled Drugs: Drugs on Site: Keeping track of controlled drugs means keeping logs so we’ll discuss the easiest ways to maintain those logs. We’ll also explore the requirements and limitations of granting employees access to the supply of controlled drugs.
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm – 2:20 pm - Controlling Controlled Drugs: Counting & Fixing Problems: Keeping track of drugs requires regular counting, so we’ll discuss the most practical ways to conduct inventories. Since problems will inevitably arise, this session will reveal the correct ways to make corrections on logs and records. Finally, we’ll explore the acceptable options for disposal of unwanted, expired or adulterated controlled drugs.
2:30 pm -4:50 pm - Pharmacy Operations: Rules that restrict and guide our use of drugs: Just what are the FDA and professional guidelines that veterinary practices must follow for prescribing and dispensing? What about compounding? Can we fill a prescription written by another practice? When are over-the-counter sales permitted? What about Internet pharmacies? These are only a few of the issues that the veterinary practice team must understand in order to operate the pharmacy in the proper manner
Renton Technical College
3000 NE 4th St,
Renton, WA 98056